I've had a quite weekend after great night out on Friday. The Mix Tape Launch was lots of fun and I read my copy waiting to meet up with Gareth. We went to Rabbie Burns for dinner in Collingwood and had a lovely meal. We only ever eat in the bar because we never book, and you need to book to get into the other bit, but the food is it always so good and such a bargain.
So Aunty Shabby has tagged me, and I don't think I have done a tagging in a while, so I thought I would give it a whirl. This one is seven things which might be hard.
1. I have one of those Shane Warne VB things. The ones that are meant to talk when the cricket is on. I am sure at 1am on a Tuesday there is cricket match on somewhere in the world but it just makes me want to chuck it because it's really quite scary to hear a loud male voice when you think you're alone. Plus Shanie doesn't drink VB, or so someone told me.
2. I wore shoes the other night which hurt so much I ended up buying another pair to wear. Friday Night shopping saved me.
3. 10 Years ago I had just arrived in Gent, Belgium as an AFS exchange student.
4. I got my drivers licence when I was 21.
5. I measured one of my hairs the other day and it was 69cm long. Because of this I keep pulling it because it gets caught in things all the time.
6. I have a massive pile of VHS tapes that I didn't want to get rid of before the move. They are mainly episodes of Rage I taped in the mid to late 90s. I have not watched any of them in ages, but I can't get rid of them. Now that the internet is stronger faster better I can watch The Violent Femmes Gone Daddy Gone whenever I want, but they still remind me of a time when it was such a find and I can't let go. (watch it to see how little and babylike Gordon Gano is)
7. This is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. St. Kilda Festival 2004 will be remembered for the megadog. I removed the heads of the people because I don't know who they are and because it looked funny. I'm not sure what he was standing on, I tried to take a piture over the fence but it was too high. I think there was two of them as well.
Okay, I don't think I will find 7 people to tag so I am going to tag
Pocket Carnival and
And the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Now go forth and tag!