Monday, June 15, 2009


I was over at Veronica Darling's blog and saw she had an ABC of websites visited via the web browser and thought I would have a go. I've put up an old old photo from photobucket. Maybe from 2006 when Gareth was my model!

Here is what you do:

"So what you have to do is type each letter of the alphabet one by one into the URL line of your browser. This will bring up your most visited site of this letter, or the letter being used within the address. Use the first site that comes up, or the second if you have privacy/security issues. It's like a little outline of your favourite web sites!"

A. Able and Game. Taking up all my time at the moment.
B. Babelfish. For converting text into other languages.
C. Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
D. for checking my words.
E. Etsy. I thought it would be that.
F. Flickr. Photos!
G. Go Fug Yourself. The late night I'm bored and need a quick fix read.
H. artsHub. A great resource.
I. I can has cheezburger. I'm not ashamed to say it is my favourite.
J. Jhoanna from One Red Robin on Twitter. We are run buddies!
K. Kitty's Kaboodle. I was reading about Kitty in Mix Tape Zine on the weekend actually.
L. LeeLoo. A great online shop for Australian made.
M. Metlink Melbourne. I love public transport.
N. Guy Bourdin at NGV. This is OLD, from when I did my DipEd in 2004!
O. Officeworks. Looking for opening hours I think.
P. Prince Ballroom. Went and saw TZU with Hollie and Mikey a few months back.
Q. Not Quite Nigella. Food blogs are good and this one is a great read.
R. Rose Street Artist Market. How I spend my Saturdays.
S. Survey Monkey. I made one up for the cards a while back.
T. The Age. I used to get it delivered, this saves on messy papers everywhere.
U. Urban Dictionary. Same as Veronica Darling!
V. Vegan and Vintage. Hollie!
W. Webflicks. We get our films in the mail. It makes me happy.
X. Xe. For money stuffs.
Y. Youtube. Lately it has been Nevermind the Buzzcocks. I love that show.
Z. Zip Code Search. Helps with getting packages to the US quicker.


Unknown said...

Nevermind the Buzzcocks is brilliant, I love that show.
You got a nice mention in the Sydney Morning Herald, Melbourne pull out, on Saturday.... it says that if anyone goes to Rose street to be sure to look you up.

Stacey said...

I love I Can Has Cheezburger too. I do love a funny cat photo.

Office Desks Brisbane said...

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Thanks Denise